A film depicting a battle between 2 brothers. Shiva is an orphan being raised by the tribe that found him in the middle of a river, help up by a solitary hand belonging to a mysterious lady (who drowns). Upon seeing the killed soldiers nearby, they understand that the newborn is at danger. They chance upon a tunnel, probably leading to the mighty kingdom up above. A combination of fear at what they might encounter up there and hope of having their own child, having no children of their own, makes them close out the tunnel. BAAHUBALI 2 FULL MOVIE STREAMING - FULL HD Shiva grows up to be a strong and curious boy who longs to see what surprises the world holds. He's ready to risk his life in an endeavor to climb up the waterfall and look, but keeps failing. His mother, perturbed by his insistence, plans to appease the Lord Shiva by pledging an "abhisheka" (cleansing the Shiva's statue - Shiva Linga with water) 100 pots of water that she'll carry from the waterfall. S...